Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tactical Tuesday:Shotgun

If you want something to go bye bye a shotgun pointed at it provides enough of persuasion for the living and enough of a kick for the living dead.

So allow me to introduce
Model Remington 870 Express

Now I've reviewed the automatic shotgun (recently used in delicious capacity in the film The Expendables) so I figured that selecting my favorite pump-action shotgun would satisfy my OCD if not the OCD of my readers. Or whatever.


The Remington 870 and all its variants is one of the best-selling shotguns in the world. Used by innumerable foreign (the Police in Luxembourg use this weapon...seriously) law enforcement, government and private agencies the weapon has also found a niche in the home defense  and hunting market. 

Now why do I like this weapon, as I am such an authority on weapons what with my boobs and menstruation-ness?

I will tell you.

Notice the pistol grips on the top two models and one with a collapsible stock

1) Options
It is almost ridiculous how many different options there are for this weapon. Ridiculously AWESOME! You can tailor the color: black, shiny, matte, camo-ed out for forested, desert or urban environments. Stock materials include: synthetic, wood, nickel-plated to name a few. You can even get a stock that has a pistol-grip for easier handling. You can get it with switchable barrel lengths, stocks that hold extra shot, barrels that are longer or shorter, rifled (for deer slugs...I love deer slugs) or not rifled--you can even get different kinds of barrel endings called chokes that controls the spread of the shot as it leaves the weapon. You can get a model with a rail on top so you can slap on gadgets like sights, telescopic lenses, lights, infrared scopes.  Tee hee.

Extremely modified Rem 870.....so much modification....*drools*
2) Efficiency
I like the pump action on a shotgun because the act of reloading seems more fluid than reloading a lever-action shotgun and is certainly more efficient that the manual reloading of a break-action shotgun.  Watching someone speed reload a pump action (that is holding the shells in their hands and sliding a shell into the weapon after they are out of shells...video) is so fluid and pretty that it makes me worship the armed forces. On top of that loading the weapon (which you can do from the bottom of the weapon or in through the ejection port on the side) is efficient and can be suited to the situation. That on top of the fact that every store from Wal-Mart to Dollar General carries some kind of shot gun shells. And to be honest with you, you can make your own shotgun shells...which I would definitely not condone to anyone. Because that's dangerous. *ahem* anyway.

 3) Reliability
Notice the flashlight mount

Time and again I prattle on about how the reliability of a weapon is paramount to selecting a weapon. And here I go again. The Remington 870 has some of the best ratings for any weapon--not just shotguns--in the order of reliability that I have ever seen. I think it boils down to the design of the weapon, which involves less moving parts than lever-action or semi-automatic shotguns. I've read accounts of this weapon being dropped in the mud and still firing.  Very low rates of jamming and even lower rates of misfires--and as far as I've read most of these would have been prevented with proper gun maintenance.

 The Remington catalog reads like a who's who of action movies and Cops reruns. Anyone who would ever need to use a shotgun could definitely find an 870 that could be pimped out to their liking. In a zombie context, options mean you can best find a weapon that suits the environment in which you'll be fighting for survival. You can get as complicated or as simple of weapon as you need to kill the legions of undead whether they be walking ghouls hungering for flesh or the simple sparkly vampire slut chasing after your significant other.

Why else do I like this weapon?  
IT'S CHEAP! You can buy a basic model for under 400$, which means that furthering your zombie fortifications won't be all held up in the purchase of your weapon.

Arnold says buy this weapon....or else....

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