Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Walking Dead AMC TV Series

If you are like any of the men in my life, Zombies are not a hobby (notice the capital 'Z') they are a lifestyle. As a recent enthusiast (I know who Bub is. I am in) of Zombie culture, I have come to appreciate the social statements made by the films, comics, literature, music, games and art associated with the subject of the living dead.
The funniest thing is about myself and Zombies (or Zack as they're referred to in my house, thanks Max Brooks) is they scare the crap out of me. It is really quite sad especially considering how much Zombie knowledge I have retained via osmosis. But the real problem with the Living Dead as they're quiet literary a walking contradiction. They shouldn't be moving, but are. They shouldn't (as human beings...kinda) want to eat me until I die, but they do. So its a little unsettling.

But like the desire to run my tongue over an owie in my mouth, its a pleasure pain I can't help but maintain.

So when I heard that the Huckleberry Finn of Zombie comics was being made into a television series, my interest was piqued, to say the least.
Reasons why one should totally be pumped about the Walking Dead Series:
1. It's directed by Frank Darabont of Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile fame (he's also a close personal friend of Stephen King....the creepy scale is going up). He is also a complete zombie fanatic.
In a recent interview on the director shares his love for the undead: "I've always wanted to do my take on the zombie mythos, since I was a kid and I saw Romero's Night of the Living Dead - the 1968 black and white version. For our zombie show I'm calling that the Book of Genesis, and whenever there's a question about zombie behavior I go back to Night of the Living Dead."

2. I know its on basic cable. The potential for lame is great because there an obviously not be an obscene level of gore that most Zombie films provide. BUT...........!


I think there is a lot of potential here. I mean there are violent shows like Break Bad on this channel so maybe this show will be reasonable violent and make up for it with really creepy!

3. I always approve of comics and books that are adapted into television shows more than I approve of those turned into films because it allows for a lot more breathing room. Look at TrueBlood. That show has become legendary and is really awesome. Look at The Spirit. Turned into a movie by Frank Miller no less and it was the biggest, prettiest and most expensive turd I've seen in a long time.  I like that they're making this into a show because if it sucks....all they have to do is get a new director for the next episode and BAM! it may suck less.

4. The Walking Dead Blog has giving me great hope. They have. A. Zombie. School. How completely badass is that? They do Zombie exercises and obstacle courses. Do they have diplomas? Or gym class? Zombie Math? I am stoked. This is going to be epic.

All in all I am pumped. Pumped to the extreme.

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